Saturday, December 02, 2006



One day I'll YouTube the videos. For the time being, enjoy the photos - not a great achievement...



After a long Lisbon-São Paulo flight, we changed planes and flew to Manaus. Manaus is an interesting city to visit, a duty-free port and a curious fish market near the river. After some time in Manaus (no pictures) we sailed to the Amazon Village.

"ON THE WAY - The world-known explorer in a new expedition..."

"DRY SEASON - the water level was so low that we had to use this kind of boats to get to our destination. At a certain point it was even needed a pushing for the boat to move forward. In Manaus, where we stayed at the Tropical Hotel, the river was fourteen meters below the usual highest point of the wet season..."

"ARARA - Low waters are not a problem for the coloured birds..."

"DRY AMAZONAS - We would be sub water standing at this place during the wet season"

"AMAZON VILLAGE - A Swiss investment in Amazonia!"



The Varig flight from Manaus to Fortaleza was delayed and the itinerary was amazing: Manaus - Santarém; Santarém - Belém; Belém - São Luís; São - Luís - Fortaleza. UGH!

"TATU - Zoological lesson at the Praia das Areias Coloridas (Coloured Sands Beach)"


"SWIMING POOLS - The Sea was far from being inviting"


"A VER O MAR Restaurant"

"BUGGY at the marginal from Fortaleza"






From Fortaleza, the Manaus flight from Varig carried on: Fortaleza - Recife; Recife - Maceió; Maceió - Salvador...

"HOTEL TROPICAL Seen from the Souto's house"

"IEMANJÁ - The best moqueca de camarão of the world!!!"


Anonymous said...

Le´'s go back to Brasil one of these days! I miss the "escapadelas" we used to make in the nineties!

Cris said...

Trotter, vocês conhecem mais do Brasil do que eu! Aprenderam a fazer a moqueca?

GMG said...

Olá Cris,

essa de conhecer mais do Brasil é simpática, mas não pode ser verdade... até porque nem sequer aprendemos a fazer moqueca... Mas tenho esperança de descobrir a receita no seu blog. Se for a do Iemanjá, é a melhor do mundo e olhe que já comemos moqueca em muito Brasil...
Ficamos à espera!

GMG said...

Guidinha (she's the lady in most photos) OK, let's go back.
This time to Paraty (we missed it in 1998, when it was pouring cats and dogs in Rio - no photos, but a nice video, including Palacio Sao Clemente...), Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul...

Cris said...

A moqueca que faço é mais parecida com a moqueca capixaba, não somos muito fãs (meu marido) de leite de côco. É simples... qualquer hora dessas eu faço e passo a receita, mas procure moqueca capixaba no google em imagens...

GMG said...

OK, vou ver. Mas cá em casa somos fãs de coco! É ver os cocktail nas Ilhas do Pacifico; O Nasi Goreng indonésio, caprichado; e a moqueca do Iemanjá... Ainda ontem fui à Casinha do Pão - uma lojinha no Colombo, o maior Centro Comercial da Peninsula Ibérica - comprar um Quindão...
Ah e uma águinha de coco ao sol de Ipanema, que saudades...